You are one step closer to paying off your Help to Buy loan

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Your request has been passed straight to our Help to Buy heroes who will be in touch to arrange access (if required).

In the meantime, if you need to get hold of us, please email or call 03300 587 127

Free Advice! Normally £499.

As a thank you for instructing us to perform your valuation, we want to offer you a free second opinion on your mortgage with leading mortgage providers Mortgage Promise.

Mortgage Promise are Help to Buy redemption experts and that’s what you need when you are looking to remortgage. You can use this offer if you are buying another property without using Help to Buy or simply remortgaging.

We chose to partner with Mortgage Promise because they use over 100 lenders and 10,000 mortgages giving you the very best choice. Mortgage Promise usually charge an advice fee of £499 but as a loyal customer of FP Surveying, you won’t pay a penny!

Mortgage Promise Referral

*FP Surveying do not give mortgage advice. All advice issued by Mortgage Promise is a private matter between you and your mortgage broker. The only data that we will pass them is your contact information. Upon introduction, they will provide you with an Initial Disclosure Document which clearly defines the relationship between you both.

Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020 We confirm we have complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19.

Help to buy survey